Monday, October 12, 2015

Dynamic content and editing entries (springdo-4)

Hiding and showing content

You may have noticed that we are only showing the notes titles, IDs and the done status so far (and those IDs are only there for us, they will be removed in future version). That leaves the content of the notes hidden from the user's view. Recall, the content was background information to the note, so it is a great design decision to leave it hidden at first. However, our user wants to be able to view it at times:
User Story The user can click on a title to make the content visible.
The story is not complete, we imagine that
  1. all items come up as closed first (content hidden)
  2. opening one item closes any other open items
  3. clicking on the title of an already open item closes it again.
We will dive a little deeper into AngularJS to see how we can accomplish this task. As showing and hiding parts of a page is very standard functionality, AngularJS built a great system to hide/show almost any part of a webpage.
 1: <div ng-controller="home" ng-cloak class="ng-cloak">
 2:     <div class="list-group">
 3:  <div ng-repeat="item in listofitems">
 4:      <div class="list-group-item row">
 5:   <div ng-click="toggleContent(" class="col-md-6">{{item.title}} ({{}})
 6:       <p ng-show="content[]">{{item.content}}</p>
 7:   </div>
 8:   <form name="form{{}}">
 9:       <div class="col-md-6">Done
10:    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="item.done"
11:           ng-true-value="'yes'" ng-false-value="'no'"
12:           ng-click='onDoneClick(item)'>
This is the same controller we saw before, but in line 6 we see a new <p> which wraps {{item.content}}. Crucially, this paragraph is shown or hidden under control of some javascript variable thanks to ng-show. If the value of ng-show is true, the tag that ng-show is part of is shown, otherwise it is hidden (documentation). If a transition between shown and hidden occurs, the transition is animated. Like all AngularJS, the webpage will (almost) immediately reflect any changes you make to the variable.
The easiest way to use ng-show would be with a simple variable, like so
<div ng-show="showit">Hide or show me </div>
Note that showit is a variable at the javascript level, but it should be quoted in the ng-show statement because HTML will not know about it. In the matching AngularJS we will refer to the same variable as $scope.showit. Because we have more than one item to show and hide, we use an array content instead (again, we did not choose the best possible name here,contentVisible[] would have been much better).
Why does the array variable have to be quoted? What AngularJS does under the hood is to have javascript evaluate content[] in the context stored in $scope. Different controllers have different scopes, which gives you a way to separate namespaces without having to name those spaces: Another controller could also have a content variable, but that would be in another scope. This concept of scope is very similar to dynamic languages like Python.
Two asides: First, in the code above we have added Bootstrap formatting classes like col-md-6 in places. Second, if you want to use a constant in an angular directive you have to double quote it, once for HTML and once for the javascript evaluate, like so:
<div ng-show="'constant'"> Text will be shown </div>
Hiding the content of the item is great, now we need a means to show it. Line 5 has a div with the an ng-click attribute, and a function to call when this div is clicked on, the function will have to be defined in the home controller as $scope.toggleContent. Note that any item can have a ng-click attribute (thanks to the HTML onClick event, which can basically be attached to any html element), we do not have to create a button.
Here is part of that function:
$scope.content = [];
$scope.toggleContent = function(itemid) {
 $scope.content[itemid] = !$scope.content[itemid]; };
In javascript, 'undefined' is falsy which means that all content will be hidden by default. The boolean negator ! will turn anything falsy into true and the relevant item content will be shown. The initialization of the content array in line 1 is crucial, without that the code will not run (Whereas accessing a non-existing item on an existing array returns undefined, accessing a non-existing item on a non-existing array will throw a 'Uncaught reference error'; gone are the good old days of Awk where this was totally fine).

Closing the other items

TLDR Front end testing really helps to check that we do not introduce regressions when adding new functionality.
This solves the user story and our considerations 1 and 3 above. We have not dealt with consideration 2: "Opening one item closes any other open items". If you look at the interface like this, it seems nice enough. But apparently on further probing, our product manager wanted the app to look more like a mobile app, where this 'one thing open at a time' behavior is very common. From a UI perspective, it makes the display less busy and cluttered, but it means users cannot compare the full contents of two todo items easily. On the web, this kind of UI also exists: jQuery calls this the Accordion Widget and you can easily create a very similar widget in pure Bootstrap.
Implementing it is not hard but the there is a small catch. Before I go over those I suggest you take the previous commit and try to implement this behavior for yourself: We managed it in three lines of javascript and you may be able to do it in less.
OK, the catch that we missed at first (and did not find during our testing either), is conderation 3: "Clicking on an already open item should close it again". The code at the commit above has this behavior, but we implemented consideration 2 by closing all items before we toggle the current one, like this code but without line 2.
1: for (var key in $scope.content) {
2:  if (key != itemid) {
3:   $scope.content[key] = false; }}
4: $scope.content[itemid] = !$scope.content[itemid];
Closing all items first and toggling the current one will give us the correct behavior when we open an item, but it will make it impossible to close one. So the if becomes necessary to guard against this. We did not notice this for a while because we had tested at earlier stage, when it still worked, and we never tested it again as we were focussing on closing the other items. Again, we will not be adding test to our AngularJS code to keep this tutorial focussed, but for any serious coding exercise, you should.

Debugging front end code

Restarting the spring backend for every small change in the front end code is slow and tedious. IntelliJ has some support for live editing of html and css files, but it is hard to set up and (in our setup) prone to breaking. Because you can easily write a mock version of your controllers in AngularJS (simply add a couple of hard-coded variable assignments), it is often more practical to use JSFiddle, Plunker, or similar tools to test your code (read this nice comparison). Make your changes there and then copy and paste the new parts back into your project. You can view some experimentation we did with this code here:
You can also find and explore some darker corners of AngularJS that way: In the code on the fiddle, we added a div to make the title bold. The item id now goes to the next line, so a sensible thing would be to change the div into a span. Try this and click around on the first and then the second title, and you will see the first title disappear when the first item's content is hidden. After some probing, we found that wrapping a div around the the p that contains the content helps; without part of the ng-show seems to leak out of the p into the surrounding div. (If you have a more precise explanation, please leave a comment!)
Either way, this closes the user story so we make a commit of these three lines of code.

Editing todo items (front end)

Our Product Manager is very happy with us as we are making great progress. Let's move on to user contributed content, in the form of this story:
User Story The user can edit the title and content of a story
The story does not specify how this edit is started. We cannot tie it to a click on the title, as that already expands the item. We thought it was most appropriate to add some well-known icons to the expanded todo item, so we keep a very clean interface. Here is an artist impression of what we want to create:
Obviously, the placement of the icons and the done checkbox is not perfect, but we can improve on this later and focus on writing code for now.
Our first step is to pull in the font-awesome icons so we can use them here. We simply put four glyphicons files in the correct directory (main/resource/static/fonts) and we are good to go. To use them, we add two lines of html to our index.html:
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" ng-click="goedit("></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span>
We already added a javascript function to a click on the edit icon; we leave the delete icon for later. You can see this code in action on this JSFiddle (we removed some experimentation we added in the previous fiddle).

Actual editing

To actually edit the form we have to write a fair amount of html, as each of the items will be in one of three interface states, listed below with the combination of variables that determines the state:
  • collapsed: Only title and done checkbox shown. Shown when content[] is falsy.
  • opened: Title, content and done shown, edit and trash icons visible. Shown when content[] is truthy and editorEnabled is false.
  • editing: Title and content turn into input boxes, submit button, no other elements. Shown when content[] is truthy and editorEnabled is true.
This image shows an item in 'editing' state. Because you can only move to 'editing' via 'opened', all other items are necessarily 'collapsed' at this time.
The html for each item will now have three parts, one for each of the three states. I refer to the full html in index.html, lines 15-40 on this github commit, here are the highlights:
 1: <div class="list-group-item row">
 2:     <!-- not editing: -->
 3:     <form name="form{{}}"   
 4:  ng-show="!content[] || (content[] && !editorEnabled)">
 5:      <div ng-click="toggleContent("><b>{{item.title}}</b></div>
 6:      <div ng-show="content[] && !editorEnabled">
 7:   <p>{{item.content}}</p>
 8:     [...]
 9:     <!-- editing: -->
10:     <div ng-show="content[] && editorEnabled">
11:  <form name="formedit{{}}"  ng-submit="saveedit(item)" role="form">
12:      <div class="form-group">
13:   <input type="text" ng-model="item.titleField" class="form-control"><br>
14:   <textarea type="text" ng-model="item.contentField"  class="form-control">
15:      </textarea><br>
16:   <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"  class="form-control btn btn-warning">
What happened:
  • The html page has become quite complex: Each item has two forms, one for the not-editing state (with only a checkbox as a form element) and one for editing the title and content. Each item has these forms, so there are a lot of forms open at the same time.
  • The two forms have names specific to the item they are working on: One form is form.. (insert at the dots) and the editing form is formedit... For each item, only one of them is visible at a time; and only one item can be opened (or editing) at the same time.
  • Aside While debugging, we actually disabled this ng-show mechanism to make it clearer what was happening. I encourage you do the same.
  • The ng-show on line 4 controls the heading (the title). The heading should be shown when this item is collapsed, or when it is open but we are not editing.
  • We bolded all the item titles and removed the id numbers. We decided against angular magic to make only the title of the currently open todo item bold. This would look nice but was more work than we were willing to invest.
  • On line 13, we create an input field and connect it to the item.titleField attribute. Angular will 'live' update that variable as the user is typing. We could have used item.title here instead and there would be no need to copy values back and forth between item.title and item.titleField (see index.js). However, the drawback of that method is that you cannot undo your edits. Even though we did not have a Cancel button in the original design, we will be adding one soon. To be able to cancel, we need to either save the old value, or run the input box on another variable.
  • in line 14, we do the same for the content, using a textarea.
As you may recall, the edit button calls goedit, and the submit button (line 16 and 11 above) calls saveedit. We will write these functions now. The first one, goedit is not complicated as we have to change state and populate the titleField and contentField variables:
// editing content
$scope.editorEnabled = false;

$scope.goedit = function (item) {
 $scope.editorEnabled = true;
 item.titleField = item.title;
 item.contentField = item.content;
The saveedit function has two parts: Moving the edit from the editing fields into the AngularJS model, then moving the changes into the backend. We will only write the first part for now. The code is not hard, you could probably write it (or jot it down on a piece of paper) in a minute or so. The one addition I made below is a promise to myself to what I want the backend update to look like: A POST to /resource/save/.
Save edit therefore is more or less the opposite of goedit:
$scope.saveedit = function (item) {
 item.title = item.titleField;
 item.content = item.contentField;
 $scope.editorEnabled = false;
 // TODO post this stuff
 // post('/resource/save/id/title/content/done/')
Lesson Learned This is actually not a great choice for posting material. It would be safer and better to put the item content in the body of the POST, instead of the URL. Then again, we are not sending sensitive information around and the length of our notes is not being constraint too much by the maximum recommended length of a URL, 2000~characters (and Chrome can easily go over 150,000 characters)
At this point, you can make edits and hit 'submit'. If you open and close the item, you will see that your saved content has been saved locally. However, a page reload will contact the server again and you will get the original items back. We are finished with our story, but we can see the need to persist changes in the backend.

Updating the backend

User Story The user's edits are persisted.
The third story in this episode is going to be very quick: All we have to do is communicate the edits from the frontend to the backend and then persist those edits on the backend. We just have to apply what we already know about endpoints and the JPA.
In 'index.js', we make the post that we sketched above more concrete:
$'/resource/save/' + + '/' + item.title + '/' + item.content + '/' + item.done + '/');
In '', we add the endpoint. There is not that much code here: First some java boilerplate to get the parts of the URL into variables. Next, we retrieve the old item from the database. We do a check whether the 'done' status is indeed only yes or no (but we don't really know what to do if it is not, a common problem in programming). The actual saving of the new item is one line of code thanks to the JPA.
@RequestMapping(value="/resource/save/{id}/{title}/{content}/{done}/", method=RequestMethod.POST)
String postSaveUpdate(@PathVariable long id, 
        @PathVariable String title, 
        @PathVariable String content, 
        @PathVariable String done) {
    Item item = itemRepository.findOne(id);
    if (done.equals("yes") || done.equals("no")) {
 item.done = done; }
    else {
 System.out.println("Invalid argument to postSaveUpdate:  " + done); }
    item.title = title;
    item.content = content;;
    return "[\"ok\"]";
It is nice to see how we can add major user-facing functionality with a few lines of code. In our enthusiasm to implement this, we forgot to do proper Test Driven Development: We should have written a test for the new endpoint before implementing it. Writing a test after the fact is still better than not writing a test at all, so off we go. We should
  • create an new item (for testing purposes)
  • submit it to the database, holding on to its ID
  • POST to the endpoint with a changed title and contents
  • retrieve the new item from the database
  • confirm that title and content have changed.
The code is almost as few lines as that and I recommend you try to write it yourself before you peek at the committed version (near the end of the file).
Final state at the end of this tutorial:
See you next time!

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