Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Adding and deleting notes (springdo-5)

Adding a note

At this point, we can edit a todo note. We have a delete button, which we will deal with below. We would like to create new notes so we have something to mark as done and then later delete, right?
User Story The user can add a todo item by clicking on a button. The item is initially empty and not marked 'done'.
We will attack this problem in a few steps. First, we are going to create the frontend functionality, which includes: 1/ A button to add a todo item; 2/ a javascript function which creates an extra item in our $scope.listofitems array; 3/ some magic to show that new item.

Inserting items to the UI

A button is easily made and we make no attempt to make it look nice:
<div ng-click="plusbutton()">Plus</div>
But when the plusbutton function is run, how are we going to add an item to the UI? In a pre-AngularJS world, you may have thought to manipulate the DOM (the text on the browser's page) and insert an extra html item. The most popular library for this is jQuery, which gives you convenient functions to locate the insertion point (here is a brief overview of the things you won'tneed) and to create new items and insert them at some point (jQuery tutorial).
AngularJS has some minimal version of jQuery built in, but for simple projects you won't need it as AngularJS can do the work for you. Remember that AngularJS has a two-way data binding? Changing the UI state (via user input) immediately changes the javascript variables, and changing the javascript variables immediately changes the UI. This last point is obviously true for variable insertion, like <p>{{item.content}}</p>: If we change item.content, the user's content will be updated. Interestingly, this is also true for more complex AngularJS constructs, like:
  <div ng-repeat="item for listofitems">
This will create a bulleted list of item titles. If we add an item to the javascript variable listofitems, AngularJS will also expand the list displayed to the user. In fact, if we remove the 3rd item of the list, AngularJS will remove that item from the display and nicely animate its removal. I have created a JSFiddle that shows how this works with much of the complexity of our current html removed, play around with it to see how changing variables affects the UI. You can also checkout this other tutorial.
As you can see, AngularJS uses a short animation to make it clear to the user what is happening: If you instantly remove an item from a list, chances are the user will never notice it. The animation support in Angular has changed quite a bit over time and the new 2.0 version is supposed to be fully centered around it. In this second fiddle, you can explore how changing the animation parameters is a matter of adding a class on the ng-repeat element and then using CSS to supply animation parameters for that transition. More explanation and demos of some quite over the top animations (like 3D rotation) are shown over at nganimate.org.


In the example above and in the JSFiddle, our loop looks very neat and tidy because we just write the item's title with <li>{{item.title}}. The current code in index.html is much harder to read because of the viewing and editing state of each item, and the logic for showing and hiding content. Wouldn't it be nice if our loop could be written like
<div ng-repeat="item in listofitems">
     <div ng-include src="'itemform.html'"></div>
In fact, we can do just that by providing a 'partial', an html fragment for insertion into our current pages. Note the double quotation on the partial: The name is a constant that needs quoted once for html and once more for AngularJS. The canonical source of a partial is to download it separately, here we inline it:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="itemform.html">
   <div class="list-group-item row">  <!-- rest of template goes here -->
The partial makes our html much more readable and it would also be a nice solution if we generated items in two places (which we currently don't do). Another approach would be to create your own AngularJS directive, ie. a new pseudo html element like <myitem ..>. Directives are very powerful and recommended when you are rewriting the DOM; they are overkill for this simple application. The main advantage of a directive is that it has its own scope, just like a javascript function has its own local variables. This allows you to write reusable code that does not depend on the parent scope, like an include does. This stackoverflow answer discusses the differences in more detail.

New versus create

TLDR A create endpoint is better than a new endpoint.
Something slipped into the last commit that should technically not have been there (splitting up historical commits to make a good tutorial is more complicated than you think). At the bottom of ListOfItemsController, I wrote a note to myself on a future endpoint for creating a new note:
That seemed like a logical choice, but there are a few problems that we encountered when we thought it through.
Let's first talk about the big benefit of this approach, namely unconnected operation. The frontend can create a note and allow the user to edit it without contacting and possibly waiting for the backend. That is a big gain, but it also means that if the backend is unavailable, we can only signal an error when the user has entered and edited the complete note. It is not hard to predict what users will think, say or shout when a note disappears into virtual reality upon hitting 'Submit'. It is much better to not let them create a new note if the server is unavailable, as the users will not lose any work. In the worst case, they will pick up their pencil-and-paper todo list again.
We could of course design some fancy local storage for the note and have the frontend and backend talk asynchronously. This sounds like a great project if you want to learn more about asynchronous operation! But before you start, this may work very well for mobile apps (where this type of operation is quite common), but it is much less well suited for a webbrowser. The infrastructure is there: we can use localStorage from the WebStorage API, which will allow us to store a key-value pair that persists over browser restarts.
However, the modern user often uses different browsers at different points over the day. They will seamlessly switch from Chrome to Firefox and onward to the browser on their phone or tablet. Imagine we used localStorage on a tablet browser, but the tablet was shut down soon after the note was created so the change is never propagated to the server. The user will not understand what happened with that note and be even more surprised when it resurfaces a day or so later, when the tablet was started up again for completely different reasons. There is only one way in which we can provide persistent storage over browsers: using our own backend.
Instead of a save endpoint, we will be using a create endpoint which returns the ID and contents of an empty note. This has the aforementioned disadvantage of not being able to start a new note if you are offline. It solves an issue we had not addressed yet: Each note has to have a unique ID and in an offline operation, we would have to rely on large random numbers to avoid collision (for example using UUID.randomUUID). The current system makes our backend the only source of IDs so it is easy to maintain uniqueness. Why does the create endpoint return the contents of an empty node when that is, well, empty?? In the future, the server could add all kinds of metadata to the note (like date created, user profile) or it could serve several types of skeleton notes (shopping lists, holiday todos etc). We don't use this functionality now but it is good to keep that option in there.
TLDR Server generated unique IDs scale / Now what happens if our excellent ToDo service goes viral, we have 10,000s of users and we need multiple many backend servers? How do we maintain uniqueness under that scenario? We could just tie each user to one a specific backend server and that server would continue to provide unique IDs for those user, just like in the simple case.

Can we finally see some code?

This is all fine and well but our User Story has not been addressed at all. Let's fix that fast, by first making a frontend only solution that just shows that we can do this. We added a simple button to our html above, that calls the plusbutton function. A simple-minded way to implement that function would be:
$scope.plusbutton = function () {
 $scope.listofitems.push({"id": 6, "title": "new item", "content": "Hi", "done": "no"});
Full code is in the commit below. When you check it out, it will work just fine and add a dummy item when you click the button. You can hit the button multiple times and get multiple new items. Try opening one of the new items and you see we have introduced a bug. Can you figure out what causes this behavior?
That was great, we are ready to actually move this to the backend. Let's do this right and start by writing a test for the backend functionality:
public void whenCreateIsHitANewItemIsCreatedAndReturned() throws Exception {
     .andExpect(jsonPath("$.title", is("")))
     .andExpect(jsonPath("$.content", is("")))
     .andExpect(jsonPath("$.done", is("no")));
The new javascript function is a little more complicated than our old one, but nothing too fancy: We do a GET request to the new endpoint and put a success function in that captures the returning data. As a slight novelty, the data is not only the item's ID but the full item this time (this assumes all our items are JSON serializable). We add the item to listofitems (javascript), expand the new item and start edit mode on it.
$scope.plusbutton = function () {
 $http.get('resource/create/').then(function(success) {
  newitem = success.data;
The definition of the endpoint is even shorter: All we have to do is create a new Item, save it to the database and return it.
@RequestMapping(value="/resource/create/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
Item postSaveUpdate() {
    Item item = itemRepository.save(new Item());
    return item;
If you run the example, you can see that you can reload the page and your changes persist. We have implemented saving new notes.
There is a small UI error with our version so far: When you create a new item and hit 'Submit' right away, you get an empty title field. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, other than that that means there is nothing to click on any more, which means we cannot open the item, which in turn means that we cannot edit it anymore. Before you read on, take a moment to think how you would solve this, or maybe even solve it. Two solutions are sketched next.
A quick fix would be to add a bit of space (non breaking space, &nbsp;) to the end of the title, so there is always something clickable there:
<div ng-click="toggleContent(item.id)"><b>{{item.title}}</b>&nbsp;</div>
A better solution is to check whether there is a title and display a substitute title if there is none. This can be done with the ng-if directive, which removes a html element if the 'if' is not true:
<div ng-click="toggleContent(item.id)">
    <span ng-if="item.title.length == 0">-No Title-</span>
This is what the result looks like:

Deleting a note

Deleting a note is the 'D' in the CRUD acronym of common interfaces. This means that JPA is ready to deal with it, it provides a delete(id) call to handle item deletion (there are several other ways to call delete, see the docs).
Before we start writing the code, we should write the test. We then run the test and watch it fail, because the endpoint does not exist yet.
public void whenDeleteIsHitItemIsTrashed() throws Exception {
    // setup
    String newtitle = "New Test Title";
    Item item = new Item("Test Todo", "Do Lots of stuff - then delete");
    // now remove it
    mvc.perform(post(String.format("/resource/delete/%d/", item.id)))
    Item newItem = itemRepository.findOne(item.id);  // returns Null if not found
Now for the implementation: On the html side, we add a click function to the trash can icon: godelete(item). This javascript function will contact the endpoint and if deletion was successful, delete the item locally:
$scope.godelete = function (item) {
    $http.post('/resource/delete/' + item.id + '/').then(
        function (success) {
            listofitems = $scope.listofitems;
            for (i = listofitems.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (listofitems[i].id == item.id) {
                    listofitems.splice(i, 1);
                } } }); };
In a future version, we should get an update from the server telling us what the change in the listofitems is, for now we just remove the item ourselves. This is not great because we are duplicating the actions on the backend in the frontend, and this will surely come back and bite us one day. But it is really ok for now.
The endpoint is a simple application of JPA delete, as promised:
@RequestMapping(value="/resource/delete/{id}") //, method=RequestMethod.POST)
String deleteItem(@PathVariable long id) {
    return "[\"ok\"]";
See you next time!


A big thanks to everyone who read and commented on this tutorial, to Pivotal Labs for letting me write these tutorials, and to Navyasri Canumalla, who sat down with me to learn Spring and wrote half the code you see here.

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